
Gene Hong


Purpose of Establishment

The life that we lived thus far is not our own but it’s through God’s blessings and provision in our lives. 

As many as there are scattered stars in the universe, as the moonlight shines on each grain on the rice field, and as the raindrops soak through the desert, it is the abundant love and care of our parents and friends and God’s favor on our lives that made us who we are today. 

Capitalism and modern civilization have blinded us and had us forget all of God’s blessings in our lives.  We are living in a dangerous society. Constant materialistic pursuit and self centered culture cause ignorance, apathy, and division among us and we have become enormously foolish, even ignoring the nature which is the foundation of all life. 

Martin Luther King said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,  What are you doing for others?”

We exist today through God’s grace  As we have enjoyed all of God’s many blessings, the purpose of PRIMAX FOUNDATION is to promote sharing of our resources with others, create a peaceful market place honoring and serving all creation through our every day life style. 

My hope is that our value is shared and will involve and draw participation of the future generation of the immigrants in this country. 

The word “together” has an important meaning in our life’s journey.  Having relationships is much more important than business.   My wish is that all of us put our mind and effort together to create a beautiful enterprise. 



설립 취지

우리의 삶은 지금까지 우리의 것이 아닌 우리에게 값없이 베풀어진 것으로 가능했습니다.

우주에 흩어진 별들한알의 쌀에 담긴 달빛사막을 적시는 빗줄기그리고 부모님과이웃으로 부터 받은 사랑우리에게 베풀어진  하느님의 사랑이 오늘의 우리를 가능케했읍니다.


우리에게 베풀어진  모든것을 쉽게 잊게하는 자유경제와 현대문명의 발전은 우리모두에게 위기가 이닐수  없읍니다.  물질적 유익과 이기적문화가 인성을 망가뜨리고무지와 냉냉함이 다툼을 조장하고 심지어 모든 생명의 바탕이 되는 자연까지도 무시하는 엄청난 어리석음을 범하게 되었습니다.

Martin L. King  "인생의 가장 시급하고 지속적으로 물어야  질문은
과연 나는 이웃을 위해 무었을 하고 있는가?" ( Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?'라고 했읍니다.

나에게 베풀어진것을 누림으로 오늘 까지 우리가 존재   있었던 것처럼
PRIMAX FOUNDATION  우리에게 맡겨진 것을  이웃과 나누는 일을 도모하고 창조된  모든 것들을 존귀하게 섬기는 문화가 우리  자체가 되는 평화의 장을 만드는일이 사업 목적입니다.

장래 이러한 가치가 미주에 뿌리내리고 살아가는 이민자의 후손들의 참여로 계속 되게 하는 일도 소망 하는 바 입니다.
인생길에 "함께라는 단어는 중요한 의미를 갖습니다 함께하는 관계는 사업 보다 중요 합니다.
내게 베풀어진것들을 나누는 사업에 모두의 마음과 힘이 모이고 아름답게 어우러지기 바랍니다.


대표 홍진관